
🍋Tian Tian🍓interesting🍋patient🍇relaxed🍓

81Clases de chino completadas


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cantonésA2 Elemental
🍈Are you feeling distressed and frustrated when learning Mandarin? 🍈Come quickly and let Teacher Tian Tian teach you Chinese. 🍈Solve your troubles. 🍈Learn Chinese happily. 🍓Holding the Putonghua Proficiency Test grade certificate issued by Beijing Radio Station.🍓 🍋Five years of teaching experience.🍋 🍋Three years of experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.🍋 🍇Goal-oriented classroom guarantees effectiveness.🍇 🍉Children. 🍉Adults. 🍉People of all ages can learn from me.🍉 🥝Listening, speaking, reading, and writing.🥝 Customize courses with you.🥝 🥝What do you want to learn?🥝 I will teach whatever you want.🥝 🍍After many students signed up for the courses,🍍 whether it is from the aspect of interest or from the actual language ability, there have been very good changes. 🍍 🍋🍋Contact me now and join the ranks of really learning Chinese well!🍋🍋 🍑🍑🍑Featured courses include:🍑🍑🍑 1. 🎈[YCT]🎈🎈🌼🌼💖💖 Start an exciting journey of learning Chinese 🌻🌻 📚Course Content 🥇Vocabulary accumulation: Learn basic vocabulary in common scenes such as daily life, study, and entertainment. 🥇Grammar explanation: Introduce the basic grammar structure and common sentence patterns of Chinese in a simple and profound way. 🥇Listening training: Cultivate students' ability to understand simple conversations and instructions through diverse listening materials. 🥇Oral expression: Set up abundant oral practice activities to encourage students to speak Chinese boldly. 🥇Reading and writing: Gradually guide students to read short articles and conduct simple writing exercises. 📚Course Features 🥇Interesting teaching: Adopt vivid and interesting teaching methods, such as games, stories, songs, etc., to stimulate students' interest in learning. 🥇 Personalized tutoring: Provide personalized learning suggestions and辅导 according to students' different levels and learning progress. 🥇 Multimedia resources: Use abundant multimedia teaching resources, such as pictures, videos, etc., to enhance the intuitiveness and interestingness of learning. 🥇 Mock exams: Regularly organize mock exams to familiarize students with the exam format and question types, and improve their exam-taking ability. 🎁Course Benefits 🏆 Obtain authoritative certificates: Through the YCT exam, students will obtain certificates issued by authoritative institutions, providing strong proof of their Chinese learning achievements. 🏆 Enhance language confidence: Continuously improve Chinese language skills in the learning process, and enhance confidence in using Chinese for communication. 🏆 Expand cultural horizons: Understand Chinese culture and enhance understanding and tolerance of multiculturalism. 2. 🎈🎈[Idiom Stories]🎈✨✨🎈🎈 Inherit wisdom, enlighten the mind 🔔🔔 🥇🥇Course Objectives🥇🥇 🍬🍬Knowledge accumulation: Let students understand the meanings, origins, and usage of many classic idioms. 🎁🎁 🍬🍬Language improvement: Enrich students' vocabulary and improve the accuracy and vividness of language expression. 🎁🎁 🍬🍬Cultural inheritance: Inherit excellent traditional Chinese culture and enhance students' cultural confidence and national pride. 🎁🎁 🍬🍬Moral education: Cultivate students' good morals and values through the characters and plots in idiom stories. 🎁🎁 🍬🍬Thinking expansion: Inspire students' thinking ability and logical thinking, and cultivate innovation consciousness. 🎁🎁 📚📚Course Content🎐🎐 🔔🔔Classic selection: Select hundreds of representative idiom stories, covering various themes such as history, mythology, and fables. 🍬🍬 🔔🔔Storytelling: Vividly tell idiom stories, analyze the character images, plot development, and implied meanings. 🍬🍬 🔔🔔Word analysis: Explain the key words in idioms to help students understand the exact meaning of idioms. 🍬🍬 🔔🔔Usage examples: Show the use of idioms in different contexts through example sentences, so that students can learn to use idioms flexibly. 🍬🍬 🔔🔔Interactive discussion: Organize students to discuss the inspirations brought by idiom stories and encourage them to express their personal opinions. 🍬🍬 🔔🔔Expanded reading: Recommend related books and articles to expand students' knowledge. 🍬🍬 🎀🎀Course Features🎄🎄 🔊📕 Interesting teaching: Use multimedia means, such as animations and videos, to enhance the趣味性 and attractiveness of the course. 🍄🍄 🔊📕Situational creation: Let students experience idiom stories on the spot through role-playing, scenario simulation, and other activities. 🍄🍄 🔊📕 Case analysis: Combine real-life examples to deepen students' understanding and application of idioms. 🍄🍄 🔊📕 Group cooperation: Arrange group learning tasks to cultivate students' teamwork ability and communication skills. 🍄🍄 🎁🎁Course Benefits🎁🎁 🥇🥇 Accumulate rich idiom knowledge and improve Chinese literacy. 🥇🥇 Be able to accurately and appropriately use idioms for writing and communication. 🥇🥇 Draw wisdom and strength from idiom stories to shape a positive attitude towards life. 🥇🥇 Cultivate a love for traditional Chinese culture and enhance cultural heritage. 💖💖 Join the Chinese idiom story class and explore the wonderful world of idioms together, feeling the unique charm of Chinese culture! 3. 🎈🎈[Picture Book Class]🎈🎀🎀🎀 Open the wonderful Chinese world 🌼🌼🌼 🔔🔔Course Objectives🔔🔔🌻🌻🌼 🌼🌼 Cultivate reading interest: Let children love reading and develop good reading habits. 🌼🌼 🌼🌼 Improve language ability: Enhance children's Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, enrich vocabulary, and improve expression fluency. 🌼🌼 🌼🌼 Inspire thinking and imagination: Stimulate children's creativity and imagination, and cultivate logical thinking and problem-solving ability. 🌼🌼 🌼🌼 Promote emotional cognition: Help children understand emotions, cultivate empathy, and establish correct values. 🌼🌼 😊😊Course Content😊😊 🌼🌼Selected picture books: Select high-quality Chinese picture books covering various themes and styles, including fairy tales, fables, science popularization, etc. 🌼🌼 🌼🌼Reading sharing: The teacher vividly tells the picture book story, guiding children to observe the pictures and understand the plot. 🌼🌼 🌼🌼Interactive discussion: Organize children to discuss the story, encouraging them to express their ideas and feelings. 🌼🌼 🌼🌼Language learning: Learn new words and phrases in the picture book and conduct simple sentence pattern exercises. 🌼🌼 🌼🌼Creative activities: Carry out creative activities such as painting, handicrafts, and role-play based on the content of the picture book to deepen the understanding of the story.🌼🌼 🎁🎁Course features🎁🎁 🎀🎀Highly interesting: Use vivid and interesting picture books as the carrier to make learning easy and enjoyable.🎀🎀 🎀🎀Personalized attention: Provide targeted guidance according to the characteristics and learning progress of each child.🎀🎀 🎀🎀Diverse teaching methods: Comprehensively use various teaching methods such as narration, discussion, games, and performance to improve learning effectiveness.🎀🎀 🎀🎀Parent-child interaction: Encourage parents to participate in the course to promote reading communication and emotional connection between parents and children.🎀🎀 🏆🏆Course收获🏆🏆 🥇🥇Master a certain amount of Chinese vocabulary and expressions, and improve language proficiency.🥇🥇 🥇🥇Enhance reading interest and reading ability, laying a solid foundation for future learning.🥇🥇 🥇🥇Cultivate imagination, creativity, and thinking ability to promote all-round development.🥇🥇 🥇🥇Enhance the parent-child relationship and create a good family reading atmosphere.🥇🥇 Let children feel the charm of Chinese in the Chinese picture book class and open the door to knowledge and wisdom! 4. 🎈[HSK]🎈🎈🎈🌼🌼💖💖The excellent choice to boost Chinese proficiency🌼🌼 📚Course content 🌟🌟Vocabulary strengthening: Systematically learn the vocabulary stipulated in all levels of HSK, and master the pronunciation, writing, meaning, and usage of vocabulary.🌟🌟 🌟🌟Grammar review: Explain in detail the key grammar points in the HSK exam, and help learners understand and apply through example analysis.🌟🌟 🌟🌟Listening improvement: Provide abundant listening materials and conduct targeted listening training to improve listening comprehension and reaction speed.🌟🌟 🌟🌟Reading expansion: Guide learners to read articles of various genres, and cultivate reading skills and comprehension ability.🌟🌟 🌟🌟Writing guidance: From sentence writing to passage writing, gradually guide learners to master the writing methods of different types of compositions.🌟🌟 🌟🌟Oral training: Through forms such as simulated dialogues and topic discussions, exercise oral expression fluency and accuracy.🌟🌟 💖🎀Course features💖🎀 ✨✨Highly targeted: Accurately grasp the test sites and proposition trends based on the HSK exam syllabus and past years' real questions.✨✨ ✨✨Hierarchical teaching: Set up different course modules according to the HSK level to meet the needs of learners with different foundations.✨✨ ✨✨Practical exercises: Arrange a large number of mock exams and real questions practice to familiarize learners with the exam process and rhythm.✨✨ ✨✨Experienced teachers: Taught by experienced and highly professional teachers, providing high-quality teaching services.✨✨ ✨✨Learning tracking: Track the learning situation of learners throughout the process, and give timely feedback and guidance.✨✨ 🎁Course收获 🏆🏆Successfully pass the HSK exam and obtain the corresponding level certificate, creating more opportunities for further education and employment.🏆🏆 🏆🏆Significantly improve Chinese comprehensive ability, and be able to use Chinese freely for communication, reading, and writing.🏆🏆 🏆🏆Gain in-depth understanding of Chinese culture and enhance the ability and accomplishment of cross-cultural communication.🏆🏆 🌟🌟If there are class hours that are not open, please message me privately! 🌟🌟 🌟🌟If there are personalized course contents you want to learn, please message me privately! 🌟🌟 🖐🖐Come and join the ranks of the trial classes! 🐶 ❓❓What to do in the trial class ➡Mutual understanding between teachers and students! ➡Plan the learning progress with me! ➡Actually solve a learning problem! ❗Classroom regulations❕ ↘Before the class starts, confirm that there is no abnormality in the network. ↘Enter the class on time and do not leave early at will. If there are special circumstances, inform the teacher in time. ↘If you need to ask for leave, please cancel the course 24 hours before the start of the course. If it is less than 24 hours from the start of the class, please message me privately first!
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Los videos de cursos individuales se pueden descargar dentro de un año después de finalizar el curso, lo que mejora enormemente tu experiencia de aprendizaje.
(Este bono sólo está disponible para estudiantes que han activado la función de grabar en clase)

30 reseñas

  • Julio Alarcon
    sep 6, 2024
    Tian Tian laoshi extremely patient show the way to the student detecting and solving his difficulties. Thanks Tian Tian.
Ver las 30 reseñas

Rendimiento del Profesor


Experiencia laboral

  • 2021 - 2024 北京比邻东方教育科技有限公司
  • 2019 - 2021 广东好未来教育科技发展有限公司


  • 2015 - 2019 北京科技大学 管理学院


  • 普通话水平测试等级证书

Experiencia laboral
  • 2021 - 2024 北京比邻东方教育科技有限公司
  • 2019 - 2021 广东好未来教育科技发展有限公司
  • 2015 - 2019



  • 普通话水平测试等级证书


Cómo reservar la clase

  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)


  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento


  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.


  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.
Cómo reservar la clase
  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)
  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento
  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.
  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.

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